A Christian role model? A model for development theory? You might think that is what I’m providing here, but on Saturday night I will be a fashion model. That’s right, I’ll be walking a fashion runway.
Liz, a 20 something who has lived in Olinalá with her family her whole life, has been studying estética (beauty school) for the last year. As is typical with school and courses throughout
And how did I get involved? Her one model was just hired DF and unable to get the weekend off. The obvious next best replacement is the new gringa in town. And, yes, I am most definitely the tallest of the 28 models in the show – then add the heels.
My first practice was Sunday evening. We learned how to walk. I did not know that I was to bring a pair of high heels nor do I own a pair, so I had to borrow a pair of shoes from another woman – and these were her everyday shoes. The walk: cross your feet as you step, which will make you sway your hips; strike a pose by shifting your weight from left hip to right hip; two steps back; turn and walk. We practiced together walking in a straight line, all ten or so of us, the youngest being no older than 13 maybe younger. Then, the choreography which included a zigzag movement in a square area and striking poses at various points. At the end of practice, Liz definitely told me to practice at home and definitely swing your hips more!
Now for the actual outfit that I’ll be modeling. When I first agreed to this, I envisioned a nice 4H dress. I could not have been further from reality. Liz designed the outfit after looking at various fashion magazines; however, she has had various people help with the actual sewing. I will be wearing a bra covered in blue sequins. It used to have strings of beads hanging down the front, but at the first fitting, she thought it would look better without. With the bra top, I will be wearing spandex boy cut underwear. So much for modesty. Pinned to the butt will be a long train of bunched material. Wow.
Yesterday’s practice included lots of hip swaying, posing, and walking in a line with all the other models. We also practiced our posture: head up, chin up, smile, and stick out that nonexistent chest of mine. Tonight’s practice will include more of the same I am sure.
Since this is the final project for the class, Liz has to display all of the skills that she has learned. Tonight after the practice, I will have a pedicure where at the end I will have blue or silver colored toenails. The manicure will come in the next day or two. And I can only imagine what my make up and hair will look like on Saturday. I write this all because if I post pictures I want you to be able to recognize me, which might be difficult without this description.
Saturday will be my debut in to fashion and to Olinalá. Perhaps I missed my calling.
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