Valentina, a faithful student of the literacy classes, missed class last Wednesday. It soon became apparent why. She had spent most of the day preparing for the 6th birthday party of her oldest son, Iteal. Valentina and Hernan, one of the two primary school teachers in the community, are neighbors of Jaime and Bruce in Zacango. Hernan, Valentina and their two children Iteal and Betuel are active participants in the MCC supported classes in the community.
By the time we arrived to the party, the excited neighborhood children were sitting in anticipation and the adults were filling in the circle of plastic chairs in the main room of the house. The large sheet cake bought in Olinalá was proudly displayed on only table in the room. The pleased parents served Coke to the 20-30 parents and children.
When all the children were settled, they sang Happy Birthday and Las Mañanitas to Iteal who was proudly standing behind his cake. At the end of the song, which included several verses and lyrics that I’m not familiar with, the chanting began. “¡Que le muerde!” (Bite it!) Part of the birthday tradition in Mexico is that the birthday celebrant bites into the cake. Once Iteal took a small bite of the frosting, Valentina served cake and more Coke. With a sufficient sugar high, I left the children still in full celebration.

Valentina, Iteal, Hernan, and Beteul


Iteal and Beteul
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