Sunday, July 11, 2010

Copan Ruinas

On the western side of Honduras, a few hours from the Guatemala border, lies Copan that traces its foundations to the Mayas. Now a hot spot for tourists, Copan boasts some of the best preserved Mayan ruins in Central America.

The immense plaza of lush green is dotted with different mounds, alters and stelas.

This is part of the ball court.

This is the second largest ball court, the first being in Chichen Itza, Mexico, in Central America. The goal was for the players to get an 8 pound ball to hit the protruding stone, toward the right of the photo.
The lucky winners were sacrificed. Sometimes it is good to be a loser.

The 63 steps and two thousand glyphs tell the history of the royal house of Copan. The stairway is the longest known text of ancient Mayan civilization.

The Jaguar Court is the site of the ball court sacrifices.

Beautiful macaws enliven the ruins.

1 comment:

  1. Copan is a very beautiful place. If you have the time, I recommend going to dinner at Hacienda San Lucas. It's on a hill overlooking the town of Copan as well as the ruins. It's a great place to watch the sunset and have an excellent, if somewhat pricey, meal. That's where Katie and I got engaged. You can see pictures at
