Saturday, July 3, 2010

Regional Retreat

It was a short night of sleep after Friday evening’s talent show that included our lucha libre skit, a tongue and cheek commentary on Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). I said goodbye to my beloved equipo fuerte (strong team) this morning at 3am. Equipo fuerte, as we Mexico workers named ourselves for the week, stems from our airport experience on Monday. The airline offered food and lodging for the night plus an additional $200 USD to two people willing to change flights. It was definitely enticing, but I told Alejandro, the TACA representative, that it was all seven of us or none at all because we were un equipo bien fuerte (a very strong team), which produced plenty of laughter. The team did not let me forget my statement that made an appearance in our skit.

While the week’s morning workshop sessions were less than inspiring, I was impressed with the quality and dedication of workers that MCC has working in the region. In a region that is plagued by insecurity and a widening economic gap, there is much reason for hope through the MCC work with partners and communities. MCC supports food security projects in western Guatemala that includes advocacy surrounding the impact of Canadian mining in the region. MCC supports the Honduran Mennonite Churches in their quest to be a witness for peace in a country reeling from political instability after Zelaya, the country’s president, was forcibly removed from power a year ago. MCC supports youth and children in Nicaragua through education projects.

Despite geographical proximity, we all live in a different reality shaped by our context; however, we are drawn together by our desire for mutual transformation, a process of sharing and learning together. The work of MCC will not change the course history, but I do have hope that the work of MCC will plant seeds of hope in individuals and communities that has the potential for change.

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